Regular Recruitment vs Volume Hiring: How They Boost Success

Choosing the right employees is critical of your company’s success. Whether it is an entry-level position or a higher role, having the right people determines the success. Unfortunately, most employers’ biggest challenge is finding the right candidate. This is true for both volume hiring and regular recruitment.


Volume hiring and regular recruitment boost success in different ways. That’s why you need to follow the right strategies for each. Using volume hiring strategies for regular recruitment or vice versa will not suffice.


So, stay with us to find out the differences between volume hiring and corporate recruiting and which is the right one for you!

What is Volume Hiring?

Volume hiring is the process of recruiting multiple candidates for similar roles. In general, entry-level positions with a low barrier to entry need multiple hires.


High-volume hiring is common in industries where employees don’t need previous experience. It is most common in industries such as retail and hospitality.

What is Regular or Corporate Recruitment?

Regular or corporate recruitment strategy is the process of hiring for filling a specific role. From finding the right candidate to onboarding the new hire, regular recruitment includes it all.


Regular recruitment requires a lot of recruiter’s time, effort, and resources. This is because most recruiters should complete tasks manually and professionally.

What are the Key Differences When it Comes to Candidate Sourcing?

Volume Hiring

When volume hiring, candidate sourcing becomes a bottleneck in the hiring pipeline. Finding qualified candidates through traditional job boards doesn’t work in this case. To fill hundreds of open positions, recruiters must create a vetted talent pool. When candidates have used a modern resume template, it helps the recruiter prioritize and remember what is important for the role.


They need to search through unsuccessful candidates for previous roles. Also, solicit employee referrals, and analyze and track metrics.

Regular Recruitment

Sourcing is difficult for both regular and high-volume hiring. However, lower numbers are a welcome relief. In this stage, recruiters must abandon traditional methods.


To attract top talent, use job descriptions that describe the employee’s clear responsibilities. Post your jobs on social media, your careers page, and job boards to reach out to more candidates. This way, you will also receive multiple qualified applications.

What are the Key Differences When it Comes to Interviewing?

Volume Hiring

When volume hiring, recruiters should interview multiple applicants. But, manually scheduling that many interviews is too time-consuming. While you shouldn’t automate the actual interviews, you should automate the scheduling.


Volume recruiters use technology to automate the process. Through automation, they schedule calls with candidates who meet the selection criteria after assessment.


Alternatively, recruiters can ask candidates to record a short video answering predetermined questions. Or, schedule assessment days and conduct group interviews.

Regular Recruitment

Following screening and assessment, recruiters invite only the top candidates for interviews. Recruiters will communicate with applicants back and forth. They will find a time that is convenient for both parties when scheduling interviews.


The candidate would then have the opportunity to meet with hiring managers one-on-one. In this meeting, they can ask any questions they may have. Regular recruitment allows each party to thoroughly assess suitability.

What are the Key Differences in Candidate Selection?

Volume Hiring

Because there are more candidates when volume hiring, the selection process is more complicated. Manual selection processes usually have flaws. They are also biased because hiring managers select candidates with very similar profiles.


To make sure that your business gets the diversity it needs to succeed, you can choose to outsource your hiring process. Working with expert employers of record helps you in hiring the right candidate.


Besides hiring the right candidate, there are many benefits to outsourcing your hiring process. Among them are the following:


–        Save time and money

–        Access to specialized services

–        Create focus for the team

–        Offer a wider talent pool.

Regular Recruitment

In this phase, recruiters make background checks to ensure that they hire the right person. Even if the decision is incorrect and the employee leaves early, the cost is much lower than having a bad hire. They make sure to consider all the elements they’ve seen before hiring.


However, unless recruiters use recruitment tools and have smart strategies when volume hiring, you can see more high-quality hiring in regular recruitment.

Final Thoughts

It may seem that the only difference between volume hiring and regular recruitment is the number. But, this is not the case. Before, during, and after the interview, many significant differences emerge. That’s why you need to carefully choose between volume hiring and regular recruitment depending on your business goals. 

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